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Advanced technology solutions to support marketing, sales and medical in the pharmaceutical industry:
next generation events (launch, symposia, workshop …) with increased interactivity through smart devices and applications
e-congresses and symposia to enable the off site participation, wherever and whenever convenient
possible live streaming of surgeries to convention hall (in High Definition and two way communication between surgeon and convention participants)
e-education for professional or lay public enabling individual education at home or in the office
e-campaigns for professional or lay public with analysis of reach
e-mailings with analysis of reach
e-bulletin with analysis of reach
tailor made apps (educational, sales apps, promotional…)
web pages, landing pages for campaigns
social networks (pages, campaigns)
e-detailing - converting promotional materials into an interactive e-format for the use by sales representatives in the field or at events
Advanced technology solutions to support marketing,
sales and medical in the pharmaceutical industry:
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